Although there isn't the hype around silver as there is gold, it is worth mentioning and taking a good look at. Silver investing is a thing, and remember, silver was another precious metal that sailed away on ships and was pirated. It was one of the first forms of money. In fact, it was used for money more often than gold. And just like gold, it is of value, even when paper money is losing value.
With stocks and bonds, you invest in someone else's company and actions. You cannot control their actions, but you can predict them. With silver, it is a physical thing. Once you purchase it, it is yours, and you can store it away for later. There is less risk with silver as the banks or other parties cannot default on it. And, once you purchase it, nobody can take it away without reason. It is yours to keep until you sell it or pass it down to someone.
Silver Bullion is a physical Asset.
According to, silver bullion is a physical asset. It means it is protected from cybercrime, and digital things have gone wrong. You can be as private and confidential as you want with it. There is no accidental erasing or loss.Silver bullion, in general, is much cheaper than gold and has very similar ups and downs. So, you can invest less and get the same outcome. Silver has had a better track record than gold for increasing its value. This means its value has gone up much faster and higher in relativity than gold. It will help diversify your portfolio just as good as gold. But you can get in at a lower price point. It is affordable and makes great gifts as well.
Because it is less costly, there are more buyers for it. So, when you want to sell it, it is easier to get rid of than gold. When you have a small pile of silver, you can sell a small piece to help you get through a hard time without selling off something valuable. You can not break up coins or bullion, so it is easy to sell off gold and get more than you need.
Silver is used everywhere!
The governments don't hold silver as they do gold. They have let it deplete significantly since the late '90s. However, if it was ever needed, the government would be ill-prepared to meet that need. And this would cause the prices to skyrocket in return. This is not just the US; all governments have let much of their silver deplete.Silver use is growing. You probably didn't know this, but you use silver every day in something. It is used for industrial products all the time. It is used in solar panels, medical, electronics, and batteries. Silver is everywhere worldwide, another excellent reason to invest in silver bullion. It is said that modern life wouldn't exist without it. Because of its unique and rare characteristics, it is being used in various markets.
Yes, yes, yes, you should invest in silver bullion!