The Center for World University Rankings has listed the top universities in the world, including the leading universities in South Africa. Here are the top universities in South Africa.
12 South African universities made this list, and according to the list, these universities would be ranked in South Africa as follows:
- University of Cape Town (UCT)
- Wits
- Stellenbosch University (SU)
- University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN)
- University of Pretoria (UP)
- University of Johannesburg (UJ)
- North-West University
- University of the Free State (UFS)
- University of the Western Cape (UWC)
- Unisa
- Rhodes University
- Nelson Mandela University (NMU)
UCT, Wits, SU and UKZN ranked in the top 500 universities in the world.
According to the Center for World University Rankings, the following South African universities rank as follows:
- University of Cape Town: #270
- Wits: #292
- Stellenbosch University: #441
- UKZN: #484
- University of Pretoria: #555
- University of Johannesburg: #629
- North-West University: #880
- University of the Western Cape: #1186
- University of the Free State: #1226
- Unisa: #1302
- Rhodes University: #1304
- Nelson Mandela University: #1636
South Africa has also ranked its universities in the following way:
According to these rankings, UCT is also the best university on the African continent for 2022/23.
CWUR ranked institutions using seven indicators grouped into four areas: Education: this is measured by the number of alumni who have won significant academic distinctions relative to the university’s size.
- Employability: This is measured by the number of a university’s alumni who have held top executive positions at the world’s largest companies relative to the university’s size.
- Faculty: this is measured by the number of faculty members who have won significant academic distinctions.
- Research: made up of Research output is measured by the total number of research articles.
Influence is measured by the number of research articles in highly influential journals.
Citations are measured by the number of highly cited research articles.