Getting a loan from commercial banks to launch your business and even from micro finance banks can seem like passing a camel through a needle’s eye. However, the beauty of a business like egg delivery means that you wouldn’t have to bother to raise a huge capital before you can get started. All you would need to bring to the table would be your marketing skills, a delivery van and your business card.
Egg is a product that is consumed by loads of people both adults and children and it is cheap and affordable. If you start your own egg delivery business, you can be rest assured to continue to be in business as long as you have the capacity to continue to open new market channels from time to time and as long as your clients see you as a reliable and trustworthy person.
The market for the demand of eggs is open and very profitable. This is so because there are businesses that can’t do without buying eggs daily. Especially businesses like, hotels, restaurants and fast food canteens. Let us quickly go through some of the surefire tips that can help a complete rookie build his or her egg delivery business from the scratch to instant profitability:
Starting an Egg Delivery Service – Sample Business Plan Template
1. Write out your Business Plans
Although most people feel that one doesn’t need to go through the rigors involved in writing a business plan before starting and running your own egg delivery business. The truth is that no matter how simple a business might seem it is still important to write your business plan before launching the business. It is a fact that businesses that are operated without any business plan are more likely to fail along the line. So if your intention of starting your own egg delivery business is to build a business that would grow and outlive you, then you should make it a point of duty to write out your business plan before launching the business.
2. Register Your Business
The fact that you may be dealing with corporate bodies makes it compulsory to register your business. One thing about delivery business is that you are likely not to be paid daily upon delivery. Most companies pay their vendors at a particular date either fortnightly or monthly and they don’t pay in cash but in check. That is why you must register your business so that you would be able to open a corporate account for your egg delivery business. The process of registering a business is no longer tedious and it is a thing you can do within few days.
3. Carry out Your Feasibility Studies
If you start your own egg delivery business without first conducting your feasibility studies, you are likely going to be frustrated before the business picks up. Feasibility studies gives you a clearer picture of what you stand to face and you would be able to map out strategies on how to surmount the challenges that you are likely going to face. With the reports from your feasibility studies, you will able to locate poultries where you can get eggs cheap and places where you can locate those that are indeed of eggs for their business or consumption.
4. Buy a Delivery Van
The only part of this business that may require serious spending is when you want to buy your delivery van. If you already have a delivery van, then you aren’t going to spend much launching your egg delivery business but if not, you can still cut cost by going for cheap and reliable second hand delivery van. Just ensure that your delivery van is big enough to contain your delivery per time. If it is not, then you might have to go multiple times to deliver eggs to a client and that is not cost effective considering the fuel and time you will spend.
5. Print Your Complimentary Card
Your business card would serve as part of your marketing tool especially if you don’t have money to advertise your business. Whenever you give out your business cards to people you come across, you give them the opportunity to know what you do and they are likely going to patronize you if they need your products or refer even people to you. The catch here is to ensure that your business card is well designed and printed with all your required contact information clearly stated.
6. Market Your Business
If you are into delivery business, you must be ready to go out there to market your business. The good thing is that there are many outlets that are in need of the products you deliver. Your targets should be Hotels, Restaurants, Fast Food Canteens, Boarding Schools, and Groceries Stores et al. All you need to do to penetrate the market is to ensure that you sell your create of egg at a discounted price. The truth is that most organizations are looking towards increasing their profit margin and if they can get same products for lesser price, they are likely going to buy from you even if they have existing vendor.
7. Keep Your Records and Books Properly
It is very important to learn book keeping and basic accounting if you intend to build a successful delivery business. The nature of this kind of business requires that you keep details of all your deliveries if you don’t want to get confused and even lose money. If you don’t have accounting and booking knowledge, you can hire a trained accountant to help you do it on a contract basis. It is also important to keep your records properly; it will help you with planning and profit projection.
There you have it; the surefire tips that can help you start your own egg delivery business. It is a fact that there are no limits to how big you can build this type business if you are hard working and focused. You can start with a delivery van and grow the business to a level where you wouldn’t have tens of delivery vans but also your own poultry farm.