The number of moms who write can be divided up between writing web content and magazine copywriters. To write for magazines, you have to follow the guidelines of the particular magazine company. Although writing for a magazine allows you to receive more exposure, there are some drawbacks. One drawback is the money. You are paid very well, but the money is not automatic. You have to submit your copy and wait for the editor to accept or reject the article. If the item is approved, it could take one to three months before you receive your pay.
This turns more moms off because they want to make a monthly living for their families and cannot wait for months for payment. There are some ways to get around the wait time. If you are serious about writing for a magazine and plan to do at least five or six articles a month, you can do these articles while making some money right away writing web content. It does take a lot of work, but it can be done. Once you have your first month done, you should continue writing as a magazine copywriter, and after a few months, you will start seeing a monthly income that will delight you.
Patients are a virtue when working as magazine copywriter. You have to submit a query letter and wait for acceptance. This usually happens within a month. Then you have to follow the guidelines for the style that the magazine wants. After submitting the article, you wait until it is accepted or rejected. Sometimes, you have to make revisions. This all takes time and can become frustrating. You have to be patient if you want to be a magazine copywriter. Every good writer will tell you that if you're going to write for a magazine, you have to develop patience and a style of your own.
When you send in the query letters, you have to give a good picture of what you will be writing about and what the plot of the article entails. If you send in a generic query, you will not be approved. You have to give details. The one thing the guidelines will tell you is if you can send the article right away or just a query letter. Follow this detail entirely. Sometimes when you post an article when they ask for a query letter, they will reject your report and not work with you again.
If you want to become a magazine copywriter, you should look at the magazine you want to write for and accustom yourself to the style and story ideas before submitting a query. The more information you have about the magazine, the better. You want them to accept your article the first time around, so you must know what they like and approve. Always browse the magazine until you are confident that you understand what they are looking for in a writer.
Once you receive the acceptance of your query letter, you are ready to write. Do not put off writing after being accepted. You must be prompt in your book, or the magazine could reject your submission because it did not meet their deadlines. Sometimes a magazine is looking for a particular article for an upcoming edition, and if you are late, they may not want your story anymore.
Make sure, if you have to sign any contracts that you read everything before signing. Always know your rights to the article and how long the magazine retains rights to it.
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