Electronic Document Management Systems (EDMS) vs SharePoint


EDMS vs SharePoint

Choosing between Electronic Document Management Systems (EDMS) and SharePoint depends on your organization's specific needs, budget, and existing infrastructure. Here's a comparison to help you make an informed decision:


  • EDMS: EDMS systems are designed explicitly to manage electronic documents throughout their lifecycle. They typically offer robust features for document creation, storage, version control, access control, workflow automation, and document retrieval.
  • SharePoint: SharePoint is a versatile platform that offers document management as one of its many features. It provides document collaboration, versioning, metadata management, search capabilities, workflow automation, and integration with other Microsoft products.


  • EDMS: EDMS solutions come in various sizes and can scale according to your organization's needs, from small businesses to large enterprises.
  • SharePoint: SharePoint is highly scalable and can accommodate organizations of all sizes. It can be deployed on-premises or in the cloud (SharePoint Online), allowing for scalability based on your organization's growth.


  • EDMS: EDMS systems may offer integration with other business systems, but the level of integration can vary depending on the solution. Some EDMS platforms provide APIs or connectors for integrating with third-party applications.
  • SharePoint: SharePoint integrates seamlessly with other Microsoft products such as Office 365, Outlook, Teams, and Power Platform. It also offers APIs and connectors for integrating with third-party applications and services.


  • EDMS: The cost of EDMS solutions can vary depending on factors such as the size of your organization, the features required, deployment options (on-premises or cloud), and licensing model (perpetual license or subscription).
  • SharePoint: SharePoint is included in Microsoft Office 365 subscriptions, making it an attractive option for organizations already using Microsoft's productivity suite. However, there may be additional costs for certain features, customization, and third-party integrations.


  • EDMS: Some EDMS solutions offer extensive customization options, allowing organizations to tailor the system to their specific requirements. Customization may include workflows, metadata schemas, user interfaces, and security settings.
  • SharePoint: SharePoint is highly customizable and offers extensive development capabilities through SharePoint Framework (SPFx), Power Platform, and integration with Microsoft Visual Studio. Organizations can create custom solutions, workflows, and user interfaces to meet their unique needs.

In summary, EDMS systems are dedicated document management solutions with a focus on managing electronic documents. At the same time, SharePoint is a comprehensive platform that offers document management as part of its broader set of features. Your choice between the two will depend on functionality requirements, scalability, integration needs, cost considerations, and existing technology stack.

Both Electronic Document Management Systems (EDMS) and SharePoint offer a range of benefits for organizations looking to streamline document management processes. Here's a breakdown of the benefits of each:

Benefits of Using an Electronic Document Management System (EDMS):

  • Centralized Document Repository: EDMS provides a centralized location for storing, organizing, and managing electronic documents. This ensures easy access to documents for authorized users across the organization.
  • Improved Document Security: EDMS systems offer robust security features, including access controls, encryption, and audit trails, to protect sensitive information from unauthorized access, modifications, or data breaches.
  • Version Control: With version control capabilities, EDMS ensures that only the latest version of a document is accessible to users. It helps ensure clarity over outdated versions and maintain document integrity.
  • Document Lifecycle Management: EDMS automates document workflows, from creation to archiving or disposal, ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements and internal policies. It streamlines processes such as document review, approval, and retention.
  • Efficient Search and Retrieval: EDMS systems typically include advanced search functionalities, metadata tagging, and full-text indexing, making it easy to locate and retrieve documents quickly based on various criteria.
  • Workflow Automation: EDMS automates repetitive tasks and document-centric processes, such as document routing, approval workflows, notifications, and reminders. This improves efficiency, reduces manual errors, and accelerates business processes.
  • Compliance and Regulatory Support: EDMS helps organizations comply with industry regulations, standards, and legal requirements by enforcing document retention policies, ensuring data integrity, and facilitating audit trails and reporting.
  • Collaboration and Sharing: EDMS enables seamless collaboration among team members by providing features for document sharing, simultaneous editing, commenting, and real-time collaboration. It promotes teamwork and enhances productivity.

Benefits of Using SharePoint:

  • Integration with Microsoft Ecosystem: SharePoint integrates seamlessly with other Microsoft products and services, such as Office 365, Teams, Outlook, and Power Platform, providing a unified collaboration and productivity environment.
  • Versatility and Customization: SharePoint is a versatile platform that offers extensive customization options through SharePoint Framework (SPFx), Power Platform, and integration with Visual Studio. Organizations can tailor SharePoint to meet their specific needs and workflows.
  • Document Collaboration and Content Management: SharePoint facilitates document collaboration, versioning, metadata management, and content organization through document libraries, lists, metadata columns, and content types. It promotes teamwork and knowledge sharing.
  • Intranet and Portal Capabilities: SharePoint can be used to create intranet portals, team sites, project sites, and communication sites, providing a centralized hub for accessing information, news, announcements, and organizational resources.
  • Business Process Automation: SharePoint offers workflow automation capabilities through SharePoint Designer, Power Automate, and Power Apps, allowing organizations to automate business processes, approvals, and notifications.
  • Search and Discovery: SharePoint includes powerful search functionalities, including enterprise search, content search, and custom search verticals, enabling users to find relevant information quickly across SharePoint sites, documents, and content.
  • Mobile and Remote Access: SharePoint provides mobile apps and responsive web interfaces, allowing users to access and collaborate on documents from any device, anywhere, enhancing productivity and flexibility for remote teams.
  • Scalability and Cloud Options: SharePoint can scale to accommodate organizations of all sizes, with options for on-premises deployment or cloud-based deployment through SharePoint Online, part of Microsoft 365. It offers scalability, reliability, and flexibility.

In summary, both EDMS and SharePoint offer a wide range of benefits for organizations seeking to streamline document management, improve collaboration, ensure compliance, and enhance productivity. The choice between EDMS and SharePoint depends on factors such as functionality requirements, integration needs, customization options, existing technology infrastructure, and organizational preferences.

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