Depending on the part of the world where you live in, there are several business opportunities that are only unique to certain regions cum countries and one of such businesses is RV park business. This type of business thrives in countries like Canada, United States of America, and some part of Europe, Australia, and New Zealand.
Recreational Vehicle Park which is also known as RV Park, is a park or place where people who own recreational vehicles park and stay overnight or more if they intend to. They are charged fees based on additional services they rendered aside from the parking fee. It is a camp ground of some sort for people who drive recreational vehicles and for those who love outdoor events far away from their homes.
If you want to start your own recreational vehicle park, you must raise a huge start – up capital because this type of business is capital intensive. Aside from the amount required to purchase large portion of land required for this type of business, you will also need to put in place AC power connection, Drinking water connection, Wi–Fi (Hotspot), Telephone connection, Sewer connection, Bathhouses, Gym equipment, Swimming pool, Bar, Restaurant, Dump station and any facility that will make their camping or stay enjoyable.
If you have made up your mind to start your own Recreational Vehicle Park, then the following points will guide you;
Starting a RV Park – Sample Business Plan Template
1. Conduct Your Feasibility Studies
With adequate research in place, then you can be rest assured that your RV Park would be a huge success. Those who have done great research before they delved into a project have had best results to fall on. Therefore, it is very vital that you take research this pretty seriously if you want to go far in this trade. What would this entail, you just may ask? It requires that you conduct some studies on how the business started, how those who are already in the trade fare, the startup capital that is need to start this trade and a host of other important information that is able to help you build a successful brand.
2. Write Your Business Plan
Business plans are especially pertinent and this is one of the tasks that you must take on before you start your RV business. You will need a professional to help you handle this if you do not have an inkling on how to go about things. Also, it is important that you follow the business templates that you have put on paper. You may also consider reviewing this plan from time to time.
3. Raise Your Start – Up Capital
Part of what you would get to learn when you conduct an exhaustive research is to know how much starting this kind of business may possibly gulp. One of the ways to raise capital is to seek funds from family and friends. On the other hand you may want to look to seek a loan form a bank or a micro finance bank. It is also worthy to note that some banks may want you to provide collaterals, whilst others are more particular about how you plan to pay back your debt. There are also some investors that may want to buy into your idea, especially if you have a good and well spelt out business blueprint.
4. Register Your Business and Obtain the Required License
Before you are issued a license to begin to operate, you may want to consider registering your business, as this is the right step in the right direction. The chamber of commerce or the corporate affairs offices are the places that you can get the step started from. You would also need to determine whether this business of yours is a sole proprietorship or a partnership type of business. Consequently, after you have successfully incorporated your business, then the next step to take would be to obtain your license.
5. Buy an Existing Park or Acquire Landed Property and Construct Your Own RV Park
Now that things are taking shape, the next thing for you to do would be to get business location. This may mean that you construct your own RV Park, or that you buy and existing park. If you are buying an existing park, then you may find that you may likely not spend a great deal of money like if you had to acquire a new land.
6. Install the Required Facility
After you have either bought and renovated an existing park, or acquired a land to build yours, the next thing that you would be required to do would be to install the required facility. This would entail procuring furniture and some fittings that will make your park a befitting and cozy one.
7. Promote and Market Your RV Park
The next port of call would be for you to make your RV business very visible to all. How can that be achieved, you may ask? You can comfortably achieve that when you decide on the modes of advertisement to follow. You may consider word of mouth, printing of fliers and brochures, using the internet by advertising on social networking sites, as well as blogging. Following these marketing modes religiously means that you just might have loads of clients so soon.
Would these tips help you achieve the aim of building an RV park? Indeed they would. These are tips that those who have achieved success followed and you too can join the league of successful RV Park owners and in no time record some achievement too.