No doubt that you must have heard so many wonderful songs with great lyrics. Many of these songs have won the almighty Grammy awards and have gone as far as being evergreen because whenever they are listened to, it sounds as fresh as it was when it first debuted the charts.
Have you taken a moment to pause and ask if these singers actually composed the songs themselves? The reverse could however be the case for songs that you have listened to and went ‘gosh’ “what sort of horrible lyrics is this.”
If you have found yourself critiquing lyrics of songs often and on, or can go on and on about how well you could have written some song lyrics, then chances are that you have the flair for songwriting. This means that you might have to consider venturing into this business.
So just how are you able to go about starting your own songwriting company? Here are top tips that could get you started on how you too can begin a song writing coy.
Starting a Song Writing Company – Sample Business Plan Template
1. Carry out your Feasibility Studies
It is only important and necessary that you carry out adequate research on what you are about to be faced with before making a move. It pays that you know the intricate information that is needed to start out your songwriting business seriously. Browse the internet to find out ways you could possibly do this. Identify all that it possibly would take to do this .You might also want to purchase books on this subject, so that you are voraciously in tune with what this kind of business entails.
2. Learn the Ropes
Now that you are gradually getting acquainted with how the songwriting business works; you might also want to look up various music lyrics. Visit various song sites and take time out to read the lyrics of songs. Observe how the lyrics sounds, choice of words as well as the rhyming patterns. This is so that you are conversant with the pattern of songs that have become hit tracks over the years, versus those whose lyrics of songs did abysmally;
3. Get Acquainted With Some Music Instrument
It would do you a world of good if you learned how to play some musical instruments. You could choose to do the Piano, guitar or drums for starters. Doing this would put you in a more advantageous position, as you would have an upper hand in pleasing your clients if they knew that asides composing lyrics, you are also able to compose melody. By doing this, you can be sure that much more than dealing with already made stars, you are able to work with lots of upcoming talents who could give a lot to be brought to the limelight.
4. Get a Business Name
It is very important that you think up a name for your business. Get a pen and paper and think up as many names as possible. When you have come up with about five or, more, then it is time for you to narrow down to the last two. Remember, that it has to be a catchy name that depicts your songwriting business. You might thereafter finally decide on the last and final name you want your business to go by
5. Get your Company Registered
Now that you have a name, it is time to go do the necessary registration and documentation with the appropriate quarters. As the case may be in Nigeria, you could walk into a corporate affairs commission office yourself to start the appropriate documentation. Just as it is with other countries of the world, it takes not much amount of money in Nigeria to have your business registered. You might want to decide if it is going to be a sole proprietorship or a partnership venture.
6. Purchase a Computer
For you to achieve any progress in the songwriting business, you might have to most importantly purchase a desk top computer or a laptop. The songwriting business requires a computing medium, so that cannot be negotiated. You might need to also know that a high speed internet access is very much required. The internet would come in handy in this business as its uses cannot be overemphasized.
7. Make Demo CDs
Now that you have come up with the knowledge of playing musical instruments, you might also want to produce a demo of your lyrics and melody. You can achieve this more when you make several copies of your demo CD and spread it across to potential clients. You can choose to spread it to movies companies, music companies as well as television companies. You can as well use the social media to drive marketing. For instance, you might want to do emails to prospective clients, or you might as well want to tweet at music stars, introducing who you are and what you have to offer. This also applies to upcoming talents.
8. Hire an Expert
Remember that you are a rookie who is just trying to find his footings in the industry. It would be very important at this juncture that you hired the services of an expert. You might need to visit some studios in town where they possess the skills of top notch production. This is so that you understudy what they have come to master. You must be willing to learn the ropes when you sit under the tutelage of this expert observing all that goes on.
The songwriting industry is a silent money spinner. Checkout the lifestyle of those who have written for music legends and you would find that it does pay to venture into this kind of business. However, have it at the back of your mind that it requires hard work. This is because no one has gone through the journey of building a successful coy without working so hard.
Make hard work your watchword in starting and building your songwriting business and you would be glad you really did.