A popular mind-body conditioning method developed by Joseph Pilates. It combines Eastern and Western physical and mental development philosophies and aims to promote neuro-muscular harmony, balance, and coordination while increasing strength and flexibility. The mostly full range of motion exercises can be done with or without special equipment, and each movement is executed according to six fundamental principles: control, concentration, centering, focus, precision, and breathing. The participant is encouraged to master the mind to gain complete control over the body.
Imagine an exercise program that you look forward to, engages you, and leaves you refreshed and alert with a feeling of physical and mental well-being. The Pilates Method (pronounced puh-LAH-teez) of body conditioning will do all this...and more.
Developed in the 1920s by the legendary physical trainer and founder of the Pilates Studio™, Joseph H. Pilates, The Pilates Method is an exercise system focused on improving flexibility and strength for the total body without building bulk. Not surprisingly, some of the first people to use the Pilates Method were dancers such as Martha Graham and George Balanchine.
The Pilates Method does not just exercise, however. It is a series of controlled movements engaging your body and mind, performed on specifically designed exercise apparatus and supervised by extensively trained teachers.
The Pilates Method of body conditioning promotes physical harmony and balance for people of all ages and physical conditions while providing a refreshing and energizing workout.
Because conditioning sessions are one-on-one certified teachers or in closely supervised small groups, each session is tailored to your specific needs.
Regardless of your current fitness level - from sedentary office worker to fitness enthusiast - the Pilates Method can be your primary mode of body conditioning and injury prevention.
Recently discovered by physical therapists, chiropractors, and orthopedists, the Pilates Method of body conditioning can also be integrated into rehabilitative exercise and physical therapy programs designed to speed up the recovery of soft tissue injuries.
Pregnant women can safely use the Pilates Method to learn proper breathing exercises and body alignment, improve concentration, and recover body shape and tone after pregnancy.