Aerobic exercise has been a mainstay of the fitness industry and has led to the emergence of the modern health club as we know it. Many aerobic health routines have been created to cater to many health-minded people.

Nowadays, health clubs and fitness centers usually offer a range of 'aerobics' classes. The classes typically have different names, formats, and descriptions and will vary from venue to venue.

Popular 'aerobics' formats include Hi-Lo, Low Impact, Martial Arts-based Aerobics, Kickboxing, Latin, Hip-hop, Funk and Jazz. Various equipment-based workouts, such as Step Aerobics and Slide Aerobics, also fall within this category.

If you are interested in aerobics, be sure the fitness center you belong to, or the one you are looking at, offers quality aerobic instruction in the type of class you like. Purchase a guest pass and attend a class before committing to sign up for a membership.

Quiz the instructor the same way you would shop for a car. Remember, once you sign your contract, you may be locked in for a while.

The typical aerobics class usually begins with a warm-up phase, which generally uses movements with a low to moderate speed and range of motion. This section is mainly designed to promote body awareness, raise the body's core temperature, and increase blood flow to the muscles.

The aerobics phase follows the warm-up. The aerobics section mainly aims to improve cardiorespiratory endurance and body composition and uses large body movements performed continuously so that the heart rate remains elevated.
Following the aerobic workout, a cool-down phase reduces the heart rate toward resting levels and prevents excessive blood pooling in the lower extremities.

An aerobics class always ends with stretching and relaxation exercises. The cool-down is designed to lower the heart rate, help prevent muscle soreness, enhance flexibility, and re-establish homeostasis or equilibrium.