7 Steps To Become a Dog Pooper Scooper Business from Home


7 Advantages of Starting a Dog Pooper Scooper Business

  • It is a good business to start for people of any age.
  • It requires little or no formal training.
  • Start-up costs are very low
  • It is an easy business to run and operate
  • You do not need to have any special licenses or register with the state before you start the business
  • Your schedule is very flexible and enables you to develop other aspects of the business like dog walking and dog grooming.
  • You can resell the poop to farmers or fertilizer manufacturers, to be used as organic fertilizer for their crops.

Starting a Dog Pooper Scooper Business from Home – Sample Business Plan Template

Step 1. Tools Of The Trade
  • A rake and a dustpan or a hand held scooper
  • Work boots and gloves
  • Bleach and sanitizer spray
  • Disposable litter bags (they sell them at supermarkets or pet shops. Ask for the ones that come with a twisty-tie) for carrying away the poop without spilling it.
  • A vehicle for carting waste away and getting round your clients houses
Step 2. Do the necessary research
You need to research and follow the local rules concerning disposing the waste. Most recycling companies use the waste for fertilizer. Doing research on how this works could provide another source of income for you.
Step 3. As your business grows, you may need insurance to protect yourself and your business. You will also need a Tax ID, a business license and a business name.
Step 4. You may also need to create a weather schedule for your work. Summer, spring and autumn are the best times to work as the grounds are soft and easier to pick poop from.
During winter, the ground is frozen and hard; most dog poop scoopers do not work then, instead when the ground thaws they charge homeowners a one-time fee to clean the lawns and gardens. Also remember to sanitize your hands and your tools so that you do not expose yourself to germs.
Step 5. Pricing
As this is a growing business, there are a lot opportunities to make a lot of money and grow a good reputation. Do your research online and find out the available pooper scooper businesses in the area.
  • What do your competitors offer?
Here are some ways to find out what your competitors offer:
  • Collect flyers, price lists and any other material from your competitors
  • Drive past all your competitors to see the exact services that they provide
  • Compare advertisements used by your competitors. Are there similarities or differences in what they are offering?
Fixing the price for a poop scooper business depends on the location you deice your business would operate in. Scooper services commonly charge from $15- $25 once a month to clean up after a maximum of three dogs per household and up to $130 a month for twice weekly services per household.
The best way to get idea of pricing would be to ask around the neighborhood poop scooper services how much they charge. This would give you an idea of how to fix your prices. So if you can get fifty (50) biweekly customers at $130, in a month you can earn a minimum of $6500 per month or $78,000 annually. Pretty amazing amount of money from just scooping dog poop.
To start a successful dog pooper scooper business, commitment to your goal is essential to full job achievement. Being a dog pooper scooper should generate excitement, creativity, and infectious enthusiasm.
Step 6. Don’t forget that You Need a Dog Pooper Business Plan
As with any other business, a business plan is essential to the success of your business. How will you deal effectively with competition? This question is important because your success will attract competitors to your business. How will you deal with them?
You must also estimate the size of the market nationally and locally. How responsive are you to the needs of your potential clientele? Look for the biggest competitors in your location, identify their strengths and weaknesses. How can you create an advantage?
Learn how to write your business plan down. It is not enough to have the idea in your head since ideas and thoughts are not a plan.  When you put down your plan in writing, you would be able to see your business project in entirety, including the strengths and weaknesses.
Step 7. Go the extra mile
Don’t be shy about keeping your family and friends posted on your new business. Most times, in this industry, no amount of money can buy word of mouth advertising.
In the first year or two you might need to spend a lot of time and money gaining new clients, before you can rely on word of mouth, referrals and repeat business; so don’t be discouraged. Set up a website, print out fliers in places where the pet dog population is high. Only advertise the services you offer, and do not practice false advertising.
Do not over-stretch yourself providing your services. Only accept the number of clients you can handle without creating disappointments for your clients. Start your business right. Make sure you pay attention to all the legalities involved. Make sure you always have adequate supplies and always sanitize your hands and the scoopers after every job.

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