9 Steps To Become a Food Bank Business

A food bank is an organization that is saddled with taking nonperishable food donations which it received and distributes them to agencies or individuals in need of food. With over 900 million people in the world not able to afford good meal, the need for food banks and donations is always on the rise as the problem of hunger is being phased.
There are several means to which you can satisfy your dream of starting a food bank. You would benefit a great deal from this article on how you too can possibly start a food bank. Do find below the factors and steps to be considered in starting a food bank.

Starting a Food Bank – Sample Business Plan Template

1. Do Some Research
The role which an exhaustive research plays in any project cannot be overemphasized. As a matter of fact it is one of the tools that you need to help you kick start any project at hand. It is for that reason that you have got to do same with your food bank business. Hence, first off; you have to read up all that needs to be read on food bank. Read about the different organizations that are in existence that have embraced the food bank project. There are loads of information that can be garnered when you take this step rally seriously.
2. Register Your Business
Since this type of business has a whole lot to do with being a non for profit organization, then it becomes expedient that you register your organization. How can you possibly do this? This can be achieved by starting out with going to the chamber of commerce in your country, or the corporate affairs commission. Here you would be given various documents to complete, as well as asked to provide some vital information. This doesn’t come free; therefore you have got to pay some fees to be able to get registered and issued a license.
3. Gather a Team
This is one project that needs the input of different people. This is because of the nature of the project. Therefore, you would need to get your team members ready. Remember, that this is one task that needs kindred spirit. This means that members of your team have to be like minded folks who are ready to strive for a common aim and goal.
4. Get a Space
You have got to get a space for your project. Part of the reasons why you would need one would be to store the numerous food donations that you get. If you do not have enough resources to rent an office, then you can think of starting out from your home. This could be in a garage at home, or a room big enough to accommodate things. If on the contrary you have the available funds then you can ask for a realtor to get a space good enough to start a project as a food bank.
5. Contact Other Organizations
One of the ways to readily get food donations is by contacting other organizations. There are an avalanche of organizations who have a lot of food donation to make. This would go a long way in kick starting this project. You may also go a step further by asking that they recommend people who are in need of food. Some of the folks you may consider working with include; schools, churches, as well as local government agencies.
6. Seek Food from Other Food Banks
One other great way to start is to notify other food banks about your readiness to receive and distribute foods. There are some food banks that have surplus and would be glad you let you have them to distribute to others. For some food banks, they may require that you pay some amount of money, whilst for others you may be given the food items for free.
7. Process the Items Have Got
You may be require to build shelves in your bank area, so as to separate the items according to the type of product (breakfast items, cans, boxes, dried goods, fresh food, etc). Be sure to check for the expiration dates and throw out any that are past the freshness date. This is so that you do not give out foods that can be harzadous.
8. Keep records of The People who use your service
It would be a very right step to keep track of the dietary needs, and the size of their families. These records can help you better assess what to prepare for them. Doing this would also mean that you really have them at the back of your mind to serve them well.
9. Seek Fund
There are certain times of the year when the rate at which people need food skyrockets. It is for that reason that there would always be the need for additional funding. How can you raise more funds, you might ask? One of the ways to do this is to seek funding from individuals, a set of the community especially the wealthy ones, other organizations and what have you. Doing this and succeeding at it would help advance the course you are fighting.
Additionally, do make sure that you always seek ways to be better at what you do. Doing this would to a large extent help in getting things right.

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