The automobile industry has loads of business opportunities that can easily be accessed by any entrepreneur looking to build a business portfolio in the industry. One way an entrepreneur can start a business in the automobile industry is by starting a headlight restoration business.
Starting a headlight restoration business requires automobile electrical training, low startup capital, and largely dependent profitability on the number of headlights you can fix in a day or a month. If you want to make good money from this business, it is to your advantage to add other automobile work to your headlight restoration business.
The Headlight restoration business is all about helping cars and truck owners to restore their damaged or malfunctioning headlights. No car or truck owner would want to drive at night without a functioning headlight simply because it is dangerous and could lead to an accident. Besides, it is a crime to drive a vehicle without a headlight. Headlights are just like the human eyes to vehicles at night, and that is why vehicle owners ensure that their headlights are functional before hitting the road at night.
Now let us quickly go through the 7 steps you need to follow to start your own headlight restoration business from scratch and then build it to profitability within the shortest time possible:
Starting a Headlight Restoration Service – Sample Business Plan Template
1. Acquire Automobile – Electrical Training
Starting a headlight restoration business is only one of those businesses you can do by acquiring technical training. As a matter of fact, you would need to enroll in a technical school / college to get trained as an automobile – electrical technician. You can check with the colleges or technical schools around you to find out if they offer such courses and the requirements for enrolling to obtain a diploma in automobile–electrical courses.More often than not, you would be expected to spend at least 18 months with 6 to 12 months of internship training (industrial training) before you can be awarded a diploma. Another option you have in getting trained as an automobile – electrical technician is to go through the informal way by working as a trainee with someone already in the business.
2. Gather Experience
Working under someone already in the headlight restoration business is essential before setting up your own. This enables you to garner the required experience that guarantees you success when you start yours. The truth is that field experience is different from classroom experience. Classroom training prepares you and gives you the foundation to build your field experiences. Hence, ensure that upon graduation, you apply to work for a couple of years with a company that is into the headlight restoration business before establishing yours.3. Write Your Business Plan
If you are satisfied with the experience you have acquired and you think you are well equipped to start your own headlight restoration business, and then you should take your time to prepare your own business plan. If you are able to come up with a good business plan, it helps you to know if you are well prepared to start the business on your own. If your business plan indicates that you are not ready to start your own headlight restoration business, you should return to the drawing board to re-appraise yourself. Re-appraising yourself could mean returning to acquire more experience, increasing your startup capital and savings, and doing anything else you would need to put in place.4. Register Your Business
Once you are satisfied with your business plan and know you can start your headlight restoration business, the next step you need to follow is to register your business with the Corporate Affairs Commission of your country and then obtain your business license. You can also inquire with your local authority to know if you need an additional license or permit before you can run your headlight restoration business in your city or state.5. Rent or Lease a Facility for Your Workshop
Of course, you would need a base from which to operate, and renting a facility is part of what might consume the bulk of your startup capital. If you don’t have enough capital to rent a workshop/garage for your headlight restoration business, you can use your house garage if it is accessible. But, if you have enough capital to rent a facility, then you must ensure that it is a facility that is easily accessible and perhaps a facility that is close to a major road or highway.6. Purchase All the Required Tools and Equipment
Several working tools and equipment are needed for your headlight restoration business; just ensure that you purchase the original ones. Purchasing the required tools and equipment is another area where you are likely to spend a large sum of your startup capital.7. Promote and Market and Your Business
Part of what you need to do to promote your business is to partner with other auto mechanics around your area, especially those not into fixing headlights; you will definitely get referrals from them. You can also print a business card and handbills and ensure that you visit public car parks to distribute your handbills. You can also drop off your handbills in all the homes around you. The truth is that you must adopt drastic measures to promote and market your headlight restoration business.Before I finish, please note that whenever you have the opportunity to help someone fix his or her headlight, ensure that you use the correct specification of the bulbs, fuse, wires, and casing so that your client won’t have to come back to complain to you.