Is it Wise to Have a Dental Crown After Root Canal Procedure?

When you develop a dental infection, timely treatment is mandatory to save your teeth, gums, and jaws. In the case of a root canal treatment, the dentist will have to drill your tooth and remove the infected pulp to stop the infection from spreading.

After removing the infected pulp (and puss) from the tooth undergoing treatment, the dentist will have to enlarge and refill the root canal. In this post, we would like to understand if it is essential to have a dental crown after undergoing a root canal procedure.

For you to understand the reasons why a dental crown may be (or not) necessary after treatment, we will have to look at the basics and facts regarding root canal procedures, and the effectiveness of a dental crown. You will understand how effective a dental crown will be in protecting your tooth after the root canal procedure.

Here are facts you need to know regarding root canal procedures and dental crowning.

1. Root Canal Operations Save a Decaying Tooth

Root Canal Operations
The treatment process on a root canal takes place before the tooth is damaged beyond repair. By drilling and removing the infected pulp and dentine, the dentist stops the infection from spreading to all parts of the tooth and causing complete damage. The operation can also remove part of the enamel which is already infected. In this way, the decay stops before it can grow.

Since the process entails the removal of the living part of the tooth, there will be no sensory nerves and cells remaining in the tooth. Therefore, the pain and inflammation caused by tooth infections stop almost immediately after the operation.

2. The Operation Keeps the Tooth in Shape

Keeps the Tooth in Shape
After the removal of the decayed and infected part of the tooth, your dentist will refill it up. After the refill, the tooth will get back to its normal shape and size. Well-shaped teeth, after a dental canal procedure, help to maintain general oral health and improve the smile.

With accurate refilling, the tooth will maintain its current state except for the pain or infection. Since the tooth is not entirely extracted from the jaw, it remains stable and complete. As long as it is still in place, you can use it normally to bite into soft foods.

3. Root Canal Treatment May Weaken the Tooth

Root Canal Treatment
This treatment procedure affects the tooth directly. Before refilling the tooth after removing the affected material, the dentist has to drill the interior of the tooth to make an even shape to facilitate the refilling process. The size of the cavity also determines how much material you will lose from the tooth before the refill.

The general picture is that the natural tooth material is lost during a root canal treatment. As a result, the remaining tooth becomes weak. The refilling material cannot provide the stability that a healthy tooth has. There is, therefore, the need for reinforcing the tooth with Acero crowns to make them durable and hold the tooth in its place.

Another thing to remember is that this type of operation removes all the living cells and neurons from the tooth. Therefore, the remaining tooth will not be receiving any nutrients or replacement of the necessary minerals. With time, the tooth can easily become weak because it is not alive. If you have to eat hard foods, it is necessary to crown the teeth after the treatment.

When the Dental Crown is Necessary

As you must have noticed, not all dental treatments require crowns. In some cases, it is completely safe to continue with normal life without a tooth crown. However, in some instances, you will need to fix the tooth with the crown before your tooth can work effectively.

These are some of the conditions that dictate the use of a dental crown after root canal procedure.

1. To Strengthen the Teeth

After a successful root canal treatment, the tooth may weaken depending on the size of the material removed from the tooth. The extent of the infection or decay can also determine how weak or strong the tooth is.

A dental crown is a material that dentists add on top of teeth or implants to give them stability. The crown may be necessary when the tooth is severely affected and has grown weak. In such circumstances, it is mandatory to have a crown to protect the tooth from breaking off or cracking.

Teeth that are subject to constant force require crowning to improve their stability and functionality. The premolars and molars are essential for gnawing at hard foods. To help your molar last longer after a root canal treatment, you will need to consider crowning it.

2. It Improves Teeth Alignment

Improves Teeth Alignment
Dental infections and disorders can distort the arrangement of the teeth in the patient’s mouth. A dental crown can help to recover the situation. After treatment, it is necessary to use a crown to hold the teeth together and attain the same alignment that teeth ought to have. It can also help in cases of distorted shape in case of broken teeth.

3. Dental Crowns Promote Uniformity

Infected teeth usually get discolored. After treatment, you may want to improve your appearance by creating uniformity in your mouth. You can also use the crown to restore the color of your teeth if the treatment process makes them differ from the rest.
When Crowning is not Necessary

Dental crowns are necessary for various conditions. Many dental disorders may raise the need for crowning. However, not all dental canal operations will require crowning. After the operation, you may be ready to continue with your lifestyle without having to reinforce the teeth using crowns.

You can ignore the crowning if you are having an operation on your incisors or canine. The reason is that the teeth to the front of the mouth undergo minimal or no stress. This, however, only works if the teeth are intact and strong. If the jaw or gum is infected and the tooth is a bit loose or weak, ensure that you get a crown.

To Sum It Up

The decision to have a dental crown after a root canal procedure partly depends on your preferences and partly on the necessity. Sometimes, however, it may not be easy to determine when you need to get one. Your dentist can help you to determine whether you need to get a crown.

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