5 Link building tips to increase your search engine rankings

Links control the web. Relationships are the basis of search engine rankings and more links equal more traffic.

I have personally observed that link building is one of the most solid Search Engine Optimisation factors that are not always easy to a game due to the work it takes to get them. It is also important to note that the authority of a link matters even more than the quantity.

Below are 5 solid link building tips to significantly increase your search engine rankings.

1. Directory Submission 

Directory links are one of the most natural links a webmaster can get. Even though many webmasters are saying directory links are no longer useful, I have personally used only directory links to get more search engine traffic and even Google PageRank 3 for a website I maintain.

Submitting your website to high-quality directories will help you increase your site search engine rank and authority. It is also essential to know that you might not see instant results but I can assure you that directory links are one of the best and most comfortable types of relationship you can get. Search engines don’t easily rank websites due to lots of people trying to spam the search engines, so they take weeks and sometimes months to rank sites.

2. Article Marketing

 Using article marketing to get backlinks to your blog or website is a little bit tedious but if correctly used can bring about excellent results.

It is essential that you write great high quality, keyword targeted articles because this helps other webmasters using article directories as their article source to easily find your items. If your article has the right keywords, they will quickly see you, and if your article is good enough, they will use your material on their blog which will eventually increase your backlinks. It is also essential to use anchor text keywords at least once in your article and even in your author bio. Using your anchor text will also help you get additional backlinks because some webmasters will just scrape your material without giving you credit but your backlink in the middle of the article will still be there.

3. Press Releases: 

Using Press releases is an effective way of getting links to your website. Press releases if appropriately written can go viral; there had been cases of press releases being picked up by news websites, which means more traffic and backlinks for you.

When writing press releases, it is essential to make sure your press release is newsworthy and compelling, try submitting it to press release websites and as many editors as possible.

4. Contests: 

Website contests are excellent ways to get backlinks to your website or blog. Depending on how it is being done, games can be an effective way to get traffic to your blog. Some people prefer to do their contests through twitter but to get backlinks, you will have to tell all your participants to write about your game and link back to your blog which means you get more backlinks. When holding contests, it is essential to give out great prizes because this is what will make people join your battle.

5. Social Bookmarks: 

Social bookmarking sites such as Digg, Reddit and StumbleUpon can be an excellent way to get backlinks to your blog; they also make it fast and easy for search engines to index your blog. Try as much as possible to submit your blog and always provide your latest posts to top social bookmarking sites, if done correctly, your job can go viral thereby leading to thousands of visitors to your blog on a single day but if your post does not go viral, that single link you get has a long way to help your website.

It is also important to use tags when submitting your posts to social bookmarking sites because some tag pages on social bookmarking sites have pagerank which in turn flows to your website.

Links control the web; leaving link building out of your website/blog’s schedule can have a negative impact on you in the long run. The above are 5 great ways to get quality long-lasting backlinks to your website or blog.

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