NSFAS Applications Will Open For Second Semester on 4 July 2022

NSFAS Applications

If you're a TVET College student or you're about to be, and you're looking for a way to pay for your studies, you may consider applying for NSFAS funding. Here's when NSFAS will open their applications for the second semester.

The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) has recently announced that it will be opening second-semester student funding applications for TVET College students who are not currently funded but wish to apply for funding.

NSFAS applications will open on 4 July 2022 and close on 22 July 2022 for TVET Colleges across South Africa.

Students can submit their NSFAS applications using the methods below:

  • Walk-in online application platform (superuser)Students capture their application at their college computer lab.
  • Assistive capture application platform application captured by TVET official on behalf of the student.
  • Students will be required to provide the following supporting documents when submitting their applications: Copy of South African birth certificate/copy of ID document/Temporary ID of student.
  • Copy of South African birth certificate/copy of ID document/Temporary ID of parent(s)/guardian/spouse
  • Proof of income (where applicable) – student/parent(s)/guardian or spouse (not older than 3 months.
  • SASSA recipients have no proof of income required.
  • A student recognised as a vulnerable child (e.g. Orphan) must submit a completed Vulnerable Child Declaration Form completed by the Social worker.
  • Students with disabilities must complete and submit the Disability Annexure A form.
  • Once the application has been completed, NSFAS will collect the application form and the supporting documents after the application closing deadline.
  • Students who have applied for NSFAS during the walk-in application period will not be required to fill out the NSFAS system access form.

They will only need to email servicedesk@nsfas.org.za to re-activate their account.

To qualify for NSFAS, you must meet the following requirements: Be a South African citizen.
Can be a SASSA grant recipient.
Applicants whose combined household income is not more than R350 000 per annum.
Persons with a disability whose combined household income is not more than R600 000 per annum.
Applicants who first registered at university before 2018 whose household income is not more than R122 000 per annum.

NSFAS is a government bursary which funds the studies of disadvantaged South African students who wish to study at public universities or TVET colleges.

The funding from NSFAS covers registration, tuition fees, accommodation, learning materials and transport and living allowances.

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