How To Get The Most Traffic From Every Article You Write

If you’re posting killer articles day after day, but not seeing significant growth, the problem might not be your content. Your question might be where you are publishing your article.

Guest posts are one of the most powerful ways to drive traffic to any blog. Even the “A-list” bloggers like Daniel Scocco use the power of guest posts to drastically increase the traffic to their blogs.

Instead of posting fantastic content 5 days a week on a blog that isn’t getting any traffic, try submitting your best one or two articles to other blogs in your niche. Apparently, high traffic and well-respected blog is the bests place to share, but even smaller blogs in your niche can send you new readers.

One of the best ways to pick which blogs to submit your articles to is to browse through each blog’s archives. Notice not just the subjects of posts, but also specifically find other guests posts. Use these posts as a measuring stick for both the quality and style of your content.

On Steps To Become, for example, a considerable number of the guest posts are lists of some sort. In fact, more than half the records on 
Steps To Become are written by guest authors. If you have a killer list article that you just finished up or have in queue to post next week, consider submitting it instead.

While it is true that daily posting will bring readers back more frequently than posting once or twice a week, but people have to come to your site before they can become regulars in the first place. Don’t look at it as a loss of content on your site, but again of credibility and potential followers from another. After you see the results, you’ll wonder why you didn’t start sooner.

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