SEO Part 1- On-Page SEO Factors [Step by Step]

What is SEO? 

SEO is a short form of Search Engine Optimization, and it is a significant factor to be considered by anybody who wants to make a fortune (as I call it) on the internet.

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Some people who are just starting (newbies) an online business begin by blasting links to their website (the beginning of their online failure) without putting some things in place first, such as content, meta title and tags, proper keyword placement, and some other essential factors which if not done correctly can lead to the failure of a website. These factors would be considered individually to give you more knowledge about them.


Does your website have materials? Is the content enough to make users return? Are you going about copying other people's content?

Before thinking about SEO, I would like you to think about content "which was ever before SEO was" (a fact). I want you to imagine how you would feel if, in your quest for knowledge or detailed information about a thing, you searched for info about that thing that bothered you in a search engine. The first result you landed on was that of a site without content. Doesn't that make you mad? Does it not cause you anger? I want you to consider it: This also happens to other people (your potential visitors).

Don't just think of copying some stupid garbage and rubbish from some articles or news sites that will keep your visitors coming; don't believe that just spinning other people's material will make sense to your visitors. 

Let me tell you the truth: anything you do that doesn't take some or even much of your time will not bring much success (if any); if that article of yours does not take your time, if that article does not make you think (when writing it of course) then definitely it will not be of value to your visitors if that article does not change the way your visitors guess, then I don't think it is worth it. That is why it is said that out of every 100 people trying to make money online, only one succeeds. 

Do you have what it takes to reach? 

Do you have value? Yes, you do, but a lack of determination, seriousness, dedication, and belief in yourself makes you think you don't have value. Irrespective of the field, you are in the world. You can still provide value to the world, be it law, medicine, or art; just think about it: You can't impact the world if you don't know who you are (a question). You really need to give your visitors value (valuable content) that will make them come back again. 

If you decide to ask or beg (God Forbid) for money on that website/blog you want traffic for, can your visitors give you a cent? Can your visitors give you $5? I want you to think about this. The secret to online success is valuable content. You can not get 1000 visitors to your website that doesn't have relevant content, but my question is, out of that 1000 visitors, how many visitors will return? Build your blog so that visitors will make a link to you even when you don't request it; build your blog so that a user will bring 10, 10 will bring 100, 100 will bring 1000 (viral marketing), and so on.

I understand how you feel about that content aspect of your blog, but the only thing that can make you write high-quality content is "belief in yourself"; believe you are highly valued.

You don't need to read all the books in this world to write quality content: It might be that joke, just write it; it can be that riddle, ask your visitors; it might be that sermon, tell it to them.

The necessary things to put in mind when writing content for your website or blog are:

  1. Be original 
  2. Challenge your visitors. Don't abuse them 
  3. Believe you are valuable. Thereby, your content 
  4. Know you are writing for people and not search engines

If you do all the above and still need help getting that desired traffic, contact me through the form on the About page, and I will help you optimize your website (if all the above has been put into practice).


Your original content is the human food (that keeps them coming back), but your article title and Meta tags are the search engine food.

Let me put you in the perspective of someone who does not know much about SEO (sorry if you do), so I won't ask you questions, but I will go straight to the point.

Optimize your Meta title (website title) to have your desired keywords that you want to rank for, e.g., if I want to list for blueberries, my title should be like this:

"Precious Blueberries - Reviews of the best Blueberries".

At least you will notice that the word blueberries appears twice in the title.

Optimize your Meta keywords and description to better describe the content of your website:

Meta Keyword: 

 Precious Blueberries, blueberries, beautiful blueberries, fresh blueberries e.t.c

Meta Description: 

Give an excellent summary of your website here with the word blueberries: this is usually what your search engine visitors will see about your site/article in the search engines.


This is the most important factor because even if you have a million pages adequately linked to each other (the best way for search engines to easily crawl them all) and your robots.txt is blocking the search engines, none of your content will get indexed by the search engines.

An excellent way to know if your robots.txt is blocking search engines is by going to your website robots.txt page, e.g., (substituting with your own domain name of course). 

If something like this is displayed:
User-Agent: *
Disallow: /

It is telling the search engines not to index your website homepage. 

How do I solve this, you ask? 
It is that simple; just go to your desktop and create a new text document (with Notepad), save it as robots.txt, and input the following exactly as it is:

User-Agent: *
Allow: /

Upload the saved robots.txt document to the root of your website (public_html on most Cpanel hosting), go to pneumatic (do a Google search on this), enter the required details, and then ping your blog (make sure you mark all services), this will notify the search engines of the change to your blog, wait for some few days and your blog will be indexed (A victory! Praise God)

If all the above has been done, then you should be OK with your blog being indexed again.

Proper keyword placement:

 As we said with the Meta tags earlier, it is imperative to use your keywords correctly in your content (do not overdo this: It is called blackhat and can get your website penalized by the search engine you are optimizing for, e.g., Google). You have to do this in a way that your article still makes sense to your visitors (If it doesn't make sense to you, you are free to drop this aspect as it is optional, like the other ones listed above).

All the other ones listed above are what we call On-Page SEO, and they can get your site ranking higher (if appropriately done) without any links.

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Essential To your Step to Becoming, Check SEO PART 2 

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